f or /R %f IN (*.mkv) DO ffmpeg -i '%f' -c copy '%~nf.mp4'.Place all the MKV videos into a single directory, and enter the command stated below, which will turn the files into MP4 without changing the file names:.In this example, video.mkv is the name of the video in the container folder that you wish to convert, and video.mp4 is the name of the video after the conversion is completed.You will need to enter this command to convert the MKV to MP4: Access FFmpeg through the command prompt utility.Copy the original video and audio and paste them into a new container.With FFmpeg installed successfully, now you could try to convert video files from MKV files to MP4 H264, H265, or others.Ensure you have unzipping programs installed like WinRAR or WinZip because some files are compressed. First, follow the steps to download FFmpeg.Most standard users are not able to convert MKV to MP4, and that can be an issue, as MKV files are incompatible with many devices or computers.įollow these easy steps, and you will find the easiest way of using the FFmpeg command to convert MKV to MP4 without quality loss in Windows. Part 1: How to Convert MKV to MP4 with FFmpeg Part 3: Batch Convert MKV to MP4 Without Losing Quality.Part 2: Easy and Free Way to Convert MKV to MP4.Part 1: How to Convert MKV to MP4 with FFmpeg.